why choose us

Our advantages

* We have fiften years' experience in field of package.

* More than 100 rich experienced workers, advanced production equipment.

* Free blank sample is available.You just need to tell us the material,size and structure.

* We could provide a free service of digital artwork prints.
* Normal inquiry would be replied with 24 hours while urgent inquiry within 1 hour.
* Sample time is 5-7 days.Digital artwork prints would be finished in the next day. Blank sample just needs 2 days.
* We could provide free professional suggestion of artwork design and box structure.
* Production capacity is 30,000~300,000pcs based on different material and design package box.

Our Service
* We supply First-class equipment, perfect quality and have professional technology staffs.
* Every process step, we make control-quality inspecion,100% quality and delivery time guaranteed.
* We offer the most competitive price and satisfying service.

* We can coordinate with customers to handle with shipment.
